CV Application

CV Application Knowing about how to write a good CV is important to understand what you need to include for a graduate application.

cog in head (online learning)

Lesson: Google Digital Garage

Google Digital Garage is an online page for free learning courses to gain the most in-demand skills required for the workplace. They will help grow your business and up-skill your […]

Internet icon

Lesson: Internet Safety

GCF LearnFree website provides lessons on all sorts of topics, including tutorials on Internet Safety. It covers topics about creating strong passwords, safe online shopping and your browsers security features. […]

E-mail icon

Lesson: Email Basics

GCF LearnFree website provides lessons on all sorts of topics, including tutorials on Email basics. It covers common email features, contacts and calendars as well as advice on avoiding Spam […]

Mobile scan icon

Lesson: Using mobile phones to scan documents

Aims of the lesson Understand the process of scanning documents with a mobile device Be able to scan documents with the devices you have Know how to correct perspective, colour […]

Statistics icon

Lesson: Start to Finish – Statistics

Do you need to analyse a set of data and produce some statistics? You do not need to be an expert to produce a statistical report. This resource from Manchester […]