Resource: Digital Identity and Social Media

Take a look at this video of Eric Stoller talking about the importance of thinking about your digital identity, use of social media and the importance of being critical with online information.

Resource: Job hunting with social media

The GCF LearnFree website provides lessons on all sorts of topics, including tutorials on Job hunting with social media. It talks you through some of the basics of using services […]

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Resource: Being Digital – Open University Course

The Being Digital resources from the Open University will help to develop your skills around searching, evaluating and referencing information,  communicating online, social networking and assessing your skills. It provides […]

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Resource: A Copyright-Friendly Toolkit

“A true digital citizen understands how to ethically use the works of others to build his or her own creative products—music, art, video, stories, presentations–and share them with the world. […]

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Resource: Digital Confidence

Digital confidence is great skill to learn, practice and perfect your digital skills and capabilities, while staying safe online. The Digital Eagles site provides resources which can help to with basic […]