Introduction to learning and development

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Digital learning and development is all about those digital capabilities which help us to learn and develop others.

Some examples of the types of digital capabilities you might consider here are:

  • Take part in online courses
  • Use digital resources (quizzes, videos of lectures) to enhance your learning
  • Adapt resources to your own preferences
  • Use tools to organise and plan your learning (online notes, mindmaps)
  • Record the learning you have taken part in and showcase what you have created online
  • Use digital tools to take notes and revise
  • Use digital tools to help manage your time (task lists, calendars)
  • Share your digital capability know-how with others

Some people may even be able to:

  • Create online guides for others on how they can use digital tools to support their learning
  • Take opportunities to help others to develop their digital capability skills

Explaining digital learning and development