Introduction to ICT proficiency and productivity

laptop and mouse pointer

Technology Use and Productivity

The foundation for developing digital capabilities are the skills you have to use technologies and manage them productively. These skills will help you to develop your knowledge and understanding in other areas.

Some examples of the types of digital capabilities you might consider here are:

  • Simple skills like using devices like a mouse, keyboard, tablet, smartphone, printer, and camera.
  • Using software for creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets, editing images
  • Using email and social media tools to communicate
  • Downloading and uploading files and software/apps
  • Managing security and privacy settings on devices and services
  • Organising your devices to make them easier for you to use
  • Where to go to find help with using a tool. This could be built in, found on the web or by asking a friend

Some people may even be able to:

  • Explore and adopt new technologies
  • Connect services and tools to build a personal digital environment
  • Understand computer coding and software/app development

Think about the types of technologies you might need to know about in your current or future career. Are there any which you could explore further?

Explaining ICT proficiency and productivity